This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy, August 28, 2022

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|August 28, 2022
This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy


Last week, it was discovered that Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), which has received $130k+ in government funding through Canadian Heritage’s Anti-Racism Action Plan, employed Laith Marouf – an individual with a 20-plus-year history of making outrageous and hateful statements against Jews, the Black community, Quebecers, and others – to lead anti-racism training across the country.

After in-depth consultation with CIJA, Canadian Heritage announced that they have cut funding to CMAC and demanded that CMAC conduct an internal investigation. Minister for Diversity and Inclusion Ahmed Hussen also confirmed to CIJA President and CEO Shimon Koffler Fogel that Canadian Heritage is committed to undertaking a comprehensive review of all procedures related to program funding and to establishing a new set of protocols that will ensure this situation is not repeated.

The story has garnered global media attention, with more than 1,200 articles on the subject published to date. Read CIJA’s statement here and watch a sample of recent news coverage here.

But it must be noted that this is about more than a single organization or program. CIJA has previously cautioned the government that organizations that espouse hate will often apply to the government for funding and that improved protocols must be established across the governmental funding system to ensure that taxpayer money does not go to groups that violate the government's own policies on racism.

Like you, we are eager to learn the results of the government’s investigation, and we will keep you informed as the situation develops.

‘To be effective – and not counter-productive – education against racism, hate, and discrimination must be done properly. No organization that employs or gives a platform to individuals with a history of racist, misogynistic, anti-LGBTQ2+, or violent beliefs should receive funding from the Canadian government.’ 

Gail Adelson-Marcovitz, Chair, National Board of Directors, weighed in on the issue in a Word from Our Chair.

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Join CIJA and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. on Wednesday, September 7 at 6 p.m. PT for a Vancouver Mayoral Pre-Election Town Hall where candidates from the primary parties will discuss issues of mutual importance to our communities, including affordable housing, community safety, fighting racism and hate, access to culturally appropriate services, and transportation and accessibility.

Moderated by Global News Hour anchor Sophie Lui, with panelists:

  • Ken Sim (A Better City)
  • Kennedy Stewart (Forward Together)
  • NPA Candidate (to be announced)
  • Mark Marissen (Progress Vancouver)
  • Colleen Hardwick (TEAM For a Livable Vancouver)

Location: Temple Sholom, 7190 Oak St, Vancouver, BC V6P 3Z9

For more information or questions, please contact [email protected]

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September 5 Labour Day (CIJA offices closed)
September 12  UJA Federation of Greater Toronto Campaign Launch
September 18 Jewish Federation of Edmonton Campaign Launch
September 25-27 Rosh Hashanah (CIJA offices closed)
October 4-5  Yom Kippur (CIJA offices closed)
October 9-16 Sukkot (CIJA offices closed Oct. 10, 11)
October 10 Thanksgiving (CIJA offices closed)
October 16-18 Simchat Torah | Shemini Atzeret


Liberal government cuts funding for anti-racism group’s project over antisemitic tweets (CBC’s The National)

Anti-racism project loses federal funding over ‘vile’ tweets (CTV National News)

The Line Between Anti-Racism and Racism Keeps Getting Fainter (

Canadian government suspends funding to diversity group after anti-Semitic history revealed (JNS)

Mike Fegelman: Ottawa's approach to anti-racism like asking Big Tobacco to cure cancer (National Post)

Fight Back with Libby Znaimer (Zoomer Radio - start at 28:26)

Canada ends anti-racism program with adviser who said Zionists are ‘human feces’ (Jerusalem Post)

Feds cut funding for anti-racism project over 'vile' tweets (CTV News)

Ottawa cancels funding for anti-racism group over consultant Laith Marouf’s violent and antisemitic online statements (The CJN)

CIJA is Hiring
Director of Government Relations (Ontario)
Associate Director, Partnerships and Community Engagement
Executive Director – Atlantic Jewish Council
Vice President Operations - Jewish Federation of Ottawa

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Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes (CIJA) est l'agence de représentation de Fédérations juives du Canada - UIA, représentant les fédérations juives à travers le Canada. En cliquant sur  «  Sign up , »  vous acceptez de recevoir des mises à jour périodiques de CIJA. Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.
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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada.