Like most Canadians, the Canadian Coalition to Combat Online Hate wants action on online hate
Reacting to a report commissioned by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and conducted by Nanos Research, the CCTCOH has issued a statement.

As a founding member of the Canadian Coalition to Combat Online Hate, CIJA is issuing this press release on behalf of all members.
Ottawa, ON - Reacting to a report commissioned by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) and conducted by Nanos Research, the Canadian Coalition to Combat Online Hate – made up of many organizations from a diverse array of communities concerned with the rise of hatred disseminated on the Internet – issued the following statement, through one of its members, the Rev. Jeff Rock of the Metropolitan Community Church:
“We came together as a Coalition of groups representing different marginalized communities building inter-movement solidarity with one purpose: to ensure everyone has equal protection – and all Canadians are free from online hate. We are grateful to see that our objective is shared by the vast majority of Canadians and look forward to concrete action.
Indeed, the report found that:
- 58% of Canadians, regardless of their age, race, or region, say online hatred is a serious threat
- 79% of respondents support introducing legislation to combat serious forms of harmful online content
- 76% of Canadians support making social media platforms legally responsible for the moderation of hateful and extremist content before it can do harm;
- 75% of Canadians support strengthening the Canada Human Rights Act.
In short, the results of the survey demonstrate what the Coalition has long known: that, when it comes to online hate, Canadians want action.
We urge the government to listen to Canadians and to targeted communities and introduce effective legislation swiftly that will protect Canadians from online hate while ensuring that Canadians’ freedom of expression is protected.”
The Canadian Coalition to Combat Online Hate comprises the following organizations:
ACAO (African Canadian Association of Ottawa)
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at (Canada)
Anglican Church of Canada / l’Église anglicane du Canada
Armenian National Committee of Canada / Comité national arménien du Canada
Baha’i Community of Canada, Office of Public Affairs / La communauté bahá’íe du Canada, Bureau des affaires publiques
British Columbia Assembly of First Nations
Canadian Rabbinic Caucus / Caucus Rabbinique Canadien
Capital Pride / La Fierté dans la Capitale
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) / Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes
Cordoba Centre for Civic Engagement and Leadership
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada / Église évangélique luthérienne au Canada
Federation of Black Canadians / Fédération des Canadiens noirs
Fruit Loop Society of Alberta
Ghanaian Canadian Association of Ontario
Humura Association / Association Humura
Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society
Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada
M9 Médias (Coopérative Médias communautés immigrantes Francophones)
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto / L’Église Communautaire Métropolitaine de Toronto
Mosaic Institute / Institut Mosaïque
Multifaith Action Society of BC
Multi Faith Summit Council BC (MFSCBC)
Native Calgarian
Pink Flamingo
Religions for Peace Canada
South Asian Bar Association (SABA) Toronto
Stop Racism Alliance
Ukrainian Canadian Congress / Congrès des Ukrainiens canadiens
VOICES – Calgary’s Coalition of Two-Spirit & Racialized lgbtqia+
Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF)
World Sikh Organization / l’Organisation mondiale des Sikhs du Canada
Worldwide Shift Disturbers
CRRF-Nanos Survey
Additional Background
- From July 27 to September 25, 2021, the Federal Government held a consultation on the proposed approach to address harmful online content, including hate and antisemitism.
- In 2021, there was a dangerous surge in antisemitic incidents across the country. UJA Community Security, on behalf of the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, noted a five-fold increase in antisemitic incidents in the Greater Toronto Area in May compared to previous months.
- In response this year’s surge in antisemitism, the Federal Government convened an Emergency National Summit to combat antisemitism.
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of the Jewish Federations across Canada.
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