Jewish Community Shocked by Attacks on Quebec Office in Tel Aviv

Montreal, QC – April 24, 2024 – The Jewish community is aware of the recent comments made by some Members of the National Assembly regarding the opening of the Quebec Government Bureau in Tel Aviv. In response, Eta Yudin, Vice President – Quebec, Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, issued the following statement:
"Quebec has a long tradition of proactive international relations, which is reflected by our government’s more than 30 missions abroad in countries with governments spanning the political spectrum. The Jewish community is shocked to see that some MNAs have chosen not to criticize missions in countries, such as China and Cuba, with extremely questionable human rights records, but have nevertheless chosen to attack Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. This double standard is nothing if not hypocritical.
"We reiterate our congratulations to Minister Biron for extending Quebec's international presence to Israel. Our two nations have much to gain from the opening of this mission. As Quebec's first mission to the Middle East, the choice of Israel is a testament to the success of the Abraham Accords, which have paved the way for a new regional trade and economic reality. This achievement is part of Ms. Biron's growing list of accomplishments in international relations.
About the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada. CIJA is a national, non-partisan, non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve and protect Jewish life in Canada through advocacy and to advance the public policy interests of Canada’s organized Jewish community.
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