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Campus Life and the Israel-Hamas War

The Jewish campus community is experiencing unprecedented levels of antisemitism and serious concerns for personal safety. The following resources are for community members looking to do more to address the situation on our Canadian universities and college campuses. You can also read our message to post-secondary institutions on how they can ensure a safe and welcoming campus in challenging times.

Reports that highlight personal safety and harassment have the greatest potential to be taken seriously by university leadership. Hillels on campuses across Canada help students file formal complaints with their university administrators. CIJA supports students through the reporting process at campuses without a Hillel presence.

Parents, please share these tips with your students:

  • If you feel a threat to your safety, call 911 immediately.
  • For non-emergencies, find the contact information for your campus security and save it in your phone.
  • Document everything you see and experience, in and out of the classroom, even online. Take screenshots and photos, if safe to do so. This information will be useful for law enforcement and for reporting to the administration. You should share this info with your Hillel or with CIJA, even if you do not report it to the administration.
  • Locate the Code of Conduct resources on your university website and submit formal complaints using the relevant reporting procedures. Hillel is available to help you, and CIJA will help if you do not have a Hillel on your campus.
  • Find the listing details of your campus mental health and wellness resources and take advantage of these services.
  • Remember, you are not alone. Hillel and other campus organizations are here for you!

For non-students who want to take action, here are some important steps to consider: