This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy, October 1, 2023

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|October 01, 2023
This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy

This week was busy for all working in Jewish advocacy. CIJA fielded requests for comment from across Canada and around the world regarding the Parliament Hill debacle where a Ukrainian veteran who fought with the Nazis was invited by the Speaker and unwittingly welcomed by Members during President Zelensky’s visit. As Ontario begins its first year of mandated Holocaust education for sixth-grade students across the province, two CIJA staffers explore the necessity and pitfalls of Holocaust education. In Quebec, CIJA’s Community Impact Statement in court regarding the actions of a neo-Nazi informed the judge’s relatively severe sentencing decision. For more on this and on our upcoming Antisemitism: Face It, Fight It conference, read on.  

The CIJA Team  

The Speaker's apology and resignation demonstrates his acceptance of responsibility for the egregious error of inviting a Ukrainian veteran of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS to Parliament. Resigning was the right thing to do. 
We echoed the Globe and Mail editorial, that noted "Now it falls to Mr. Trudeau's government to deal with the fall-out. The first step in that process must be an apology from the Prime Minister...In the eyes of the world, this is Canada’s error, and a grievous one at that." 
We appreciate the apology from Prime Minister Trudeau recognizing the egregious error of the Ukrainian veteran of the infamous 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the Nazi SS being acknowledged in Parliament. 
The Jewish community reiterates and echoes the call for increased Holocaust education and to fighting rising antisemitism in Canada and globally. 
As we've said, now would be an appropriate time to task Canada’s War Crimes Program to review and consider any new evidence that has come to light from the release of archival material that further implicates those who committed war time atrocities who are now living in Canada. 


CIJA Vice President (GTA) Jaime Kirzner-Roberts on the pressing need for better Holocaust education and ensuring Canada does not harbour those who participated in genocide. Canadians must learn an important lesson and use this experience as a starting point to confront the dangers of Holocaust distortion and minimization. 



The 2023/2024 school year marks the first year of mandating Holocaust education for all sixth-grade classes across Ontario. We join Ontario's Jewish community in applauding this remarkable and precedent-setting achievement for the province.  

But the antisemitism that motivated the Holocaust did not end with the Holocaust. In this thoughtful opinion piece published in The Globe and Mail, Tia Sacks, CIJA research assistant and a Master of Journalism Student at The University of British Columbia, explains why, amid the rising levels of antisemitism, racism, and xenophobia that plague the globe, Holocaust Education should also include the lived experiences of modern-day Jews. 



CIJA has, for some time, closely engaged in and monitored developments in the case of neo-Nazi Gabriel Sohier-Chaput. In July, at the request of the Crown, we provided a Community Impact Statement (CIS) to the court. Last week, a Quebec judge sentenced Sohier-Chaput to 15 months in prison – an unexpected and exemplary outcome. In delivering the sentence, the judge cited our CIS several times as part of his rationale for rejecting the initially proposed three-month sentence and imposing a more consequential penalty. 

CIJA representatives, including Eta Yudin, Vice President (Quebec), attended the sentencing hearing after which she shared the Jewish community’s perspective with journalists, including our call for the Quebec government to train a cohort of prosecutors on antisemitism and hate. Our full statement is available here.


CIJA Vice President (Pacific Region) Nico Slobinsky and Tikva Housing Society Executive Director Anat Gogo address the severity of the housing crisis in British Columbia for racialized and ethnocultural communities and discuss how, by exempting non-profit housing providers and communities working on creating affordable housing from B.C.’s Property Transfer Tax, the province can assist those most in need.



If you have registered for Antisemitism: Face It, Fight It, we look forward to seeing you in less than three weeks! If you have not yet signed up, you should know that, in addition to our incredible line-up of 30+ experts, thought leaders, and influencers from across the globe, we will also hear from everyday Canadians turned community advocates and activists, who will share their stories of how they didn’t just face antisemitism but fought it. From students to CEOs, the panel will share their experiences that led to their becoming activists. 

Check it out the full line-up here.



CIJA in the News 

Opinion: Exempting non-profit housing societies from PTT helps with affordability (Business in Vancouver, The Orca)

The Holocaust shouldn’t be the only thing schools teach about the Jewish community (The Globe and Mail)

Jaime Kirzner-Roberts: Nazis must not be allowed to live quiet lives amongst us (National Post, + Postmedia Syndication)

Our government unwittingly applauded a man who fought for the Nazis. We must take steps to ensure it never happens again (Forward)

Il faut des procureurs spécialement formés en matière de crimes haineux (Le Devoir)

Quebec man sentenced to 15 months in jail for fomenting hatred against Jews (The Globe and Mail)

Montreal neo-Nazi sentenced to 15 months in jail for inciting hatred (CBC Montreal)

Jewish groups celebrate as Quebec man sentenced to 15 months for fomenting hatred (National Post, Winnipeg Free Press, Toronto Star, + The Canadian Press Syndication)

Why the history of the Holocaust - and anti-Semitism in Canada - need to be taught by Toula Drimonis (Cult MTL)

Un « influenceur de la haine » contre les Juifs condamné à 15 mois de prison (La Presse)

Un juge s’insurge contre la peine de trois mois suggérée pour un néonazi coupable d’avoir fomenté la haine (Le Devoir)

«Influenceur de la haine»: peine cinq fois plus élevée pour un néonazi montréalais (TVA Nouvelles)

«Influenceur de la haine»: peine cinq fois plus élevée pour un néonazi montréalais (Journal de Montreal)

Québec : Le militant néo-nazi Gabriel Sohier-Chaput condamné à 15 mois de prison (The Times of Israel)

Community Calendar

September 29-October 6 | Sukkot
October 6-7Shemini Atzeret
October 7-8 | Simchat Torah
October 16-17 Antisemitism: Face It, Fight It

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations across Canada

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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada. By clicking "Sign up," you consent to receive periodic updates from CIJA. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes (CIJA) est l'agence de représentation de Fédérations juives du Canada - UIA, représentant les fédérations juives à travers le Canada. En cliquant sur  «  Sign up , »  vous acceptez de recevoir des mises à jour périodiques de CIJA. Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.
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About CIJA
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada.