This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy, July 7, 2024

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|July 07, 2024
This Week in Canadian Jewish Advocacy

This week, we articulated the dangers to Canadian society and to our shared values inherent in the concept of APR, marched in celebration of Queer Jewish joy and support of inclusion for all Queer and Transgender Jews and Israelis, and applauded the coordinated efforts of the Jewish community to realize the dismantling of the University of Toronto encampment.    

Read on to learn more. 


Last month, the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) allowed the highly flawed Combating Hate and Racism – Student Learning Strategy Update Report, 2024 (CHR) to pass with a 15-7 vote. In addition to failing to address antisemitism, just as our community is experiencing a significant rise in antisemitic incidents, anti-Jewish racism, and anti-Israeli hostility in Toronto schools, the CHR also adopts the narrative of ‘anti-Palestinian racism’ (APR), a concept developed by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association and advanced by groups pushing a specific political agenda seeking to erase core aspects of Jewish identity and history and redefine what constitutes antisemitism. Read our statement.

In this National Post piece, CIJA President & CEO Shimon Koffler Fogel articulates the dangers to Canadian society and to our shared values inherent in the concept of APR.   


On Wednesday, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice granted an interlocutory injunction to the University of Toronto regarding the ongoing encampment. For more than six weeks, the Jewish community has been urging authorities to act against the unauthorized occupation of Ontario campuses by anti-Israel and anti-Jewish extremists. The shameful encampment at the University of Toronto has served as a stark illustration of the daily impact of anti-Jewish hate on students across the province. 

CIJA worked in coordination with Jewish organizations, including Hillel Ontario, UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, and Network of Engaged Canadian Academics, each granted intervenor status, to ensure that the community’s voices were heard in this important case.


Queer Jews belong at Pride. Antisemitism does not. This Sunday, CIJA was proud to cohost with UJA Federation of Greater Toronto the second-largest Jewish Pride delegation in North America at the Pride Toronto Parade. More than 150 Queer Jews and allies marched proudly in celebration of Queer Jewish joy, in defiance of the global surge in anti-Jewish hate crimes, and in support of inclusion for all Queer and Transgender Jews and Israelis all of whom deserve care, compassion, protection, and solidarity. Hundreds more gathered Sunday night to continue this Queer Jewish celebration of joy, togetherness, and pride at Sashay. Slay. Oy Vey.  We were grateful to have MP Julie Dabrusin join us at the Parade and MP Ya’ara Saks for the evening’s festivities. 


Community Calendar

Communities are gathering in cities across Canada in support of the people and land of Israel. Find an event near you.

August 5 | Civic Holiday (CIJA offices in Ontario and BC closed) 
August 13 | Tisha B’av

CIJA in the News  

Effort to ban nickel sales to Israel has pacifist intentions ( 

Nomination de Birju Dattani, ou l’art de ne pas apprendre de ses erreurs (Le Devoir) 

SLOBODIAN: Another flawed Liberal human rights appointment? (Western Standard) 

Shimon Koffler Fogel: The push to define anti-Palestinian racism is not about fighting discrimination (National Post) 

University of Waterloo sues encampment protesters for $1.5 million (Toronto Sun, + Postmedia Syndication) 

Commission canadienne des droits de la personne : Nomination de Birju Dattani: «Une grosse roche dans le soulier de Trudeau» –  Puisqu’il faut se lever (98.5 FM)  

Court orders anti-Israel protesters to take down University of Toronto encampment (National Post, + Postmedia Syndication) 

U of T gets injunction to clear pro-Palestinian encampment (CBC) 

University of Toronto is granted an injunction to dismantle a pro-Palestinian encampment that has been on campus for two months (The Canadian Jewish News) 

'Apology not accepted': Behind Jewish groups' furor over Canada's new human rights commissioner (The Canadian Jewish News) 

Trois groupes juifs canadiens demandent la révocation du nouveau commissaire aux droits de l’homme (Actual News Magazine)  

La veille du défilé des Fiertés, une marche pour célébrer la communauté lesbienne (ICI Toronto – Radio-Canada) 

New Canadian Human Rights Commissioner to be investigated for BDS past (The Jerusalem Post) 

Three Canadian Jewish groups call for removal of incoming human rights commissioner (National Post, + Postmedia Syndication) 

Foreign interference bill passes, but online harms and citizenship bills left on hold until House comes back (The Hill Times) 

Injonction : les manifestants doivent quitter le campement de l’Université de Toronto (ICI Radio-Canada Toronto) 

'Terror is not an irrational strategy': Incoming human rights commissioner lectured about violence (National Post, + Postmedia Syndication) 

EDITORIAL: Look before you leap next time, minister (Toronto Sun, + Postmedia Syndication) 

Former public safety minister calls for strengthened screening of new human-rights chief (The Globe and Mail) 

Giddy up, Ottawa (Politico) 

Un tribunal ordonne aux manifestants anti-israéliens de démanteler le campement de l’Université de Toronto (Actual News Magazine) 

Government now says new human rights chief did disclose key information about controversial social media posts (CBC News) 

Tensions autour du campement à McGill: des profs refusent d’enseigner en présentiel (TVA Nouvelles, + syndication QMI) 

Opinion: The folly of pro-Palestinian protesters screaming at Jewish teenage girls playing softball in Surrey, B.C. (The Canadian Jewish News) 

Rallye automobile pro-palestinien à Montréal (LCN Maintenant) 

CIJA comment on the appointment of Dattani (CBC Radio One) 

Community Careers

Executive Assistant to the President & CEO - Jewish Federations of Canada-United Israel Appeal
Associate Director, University Relations - Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, CIJA
Associate Director Advocacy, Public and Independent Schools - Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, CIJA
Hillel Director - Jewish Federation of Edmonton
Chief Executive Officer - Calgary Jewish Federation
Vice President/Director of Development - Jewish Federation of Ottawa/Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations across Canada

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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada. By clicking "Sign up," you consent to receive periodic updates from CIJA. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes (CIJA) est l'agence de représentation de Fédérations juives du Canada - UIA, représentant les fédérations juives à travers le Canada. En cliquant sur  «  Sign up , »  vous acceptez de recevoir des mises à jour périodiques de CIJA. Vous pouvez vous désabonner à tout moment.
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About CIJA
The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada.