A diverse B.C. is a strong B.C. This is why we want to make sure that our province is a safe place for all. According to the Vancouver Police Department, reports of antisemitic hate incidents increased 62 per cent in 2023 compared to 2022.

Organizations such as the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (VHEC) reach more than 25,000 students annually to educate them and the wider community about the Holocaust and how to fight hate today

We ask the B.C. Government to:

  • Work with the Jewish community to implement mandatory Holocaust education in B.C.’s K-12 curriculum. Teaching about the atrocities of the Holocaust is critical. Teaching raises public awareness, honours Jewish memory, meaningfully reinforces “never again,” and encourages responsible citizenship for all British Columbians.

  • Collect and publish data pertaining to hateful incidents or cases of discrimination reported in B.C.’s K-12 education system.

  • Implement training programs for all staff in B.C. schools regarding various manifestations of hatred.