Thank the Government of Canada for supporting the disability community

Thank the Government of Canada for supporting the disability community

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) joins Jewish Federations across Canada in celebrating and encouraging the progress of the Canada Disability Benefit Act. This has been a longstanding policy priority of Canada’s Jewish community, which passed unanimously in the House of Commons and is now before the Senate.
Advocating for Jewish Canadians is the core of our mandate. Supporting those in need is a central Jewish value that we do not take lightly. In response to requests from Jewish social service agencies to urge more government support for the disability community, CIJA, working closely with our Federation partners, successfully advocated for a new Disability Benefit.
We know that, by supporting Canadians living with disabilities, our society becomes stronger. After years advocating for improvements to disability benefits, we are grateful to see this legislation near the finish line.
This legislation has been so important that all political parties unanimously supported it. Every MP voted to pass it. Please join us in sending your Member of Parliament a note of thanks for adopting this much-needed legislation.