International Holocaust Remembrance Day: People Love Dead Jews (VIRTUAL)

In her latest book, Dara Horn explores a pointed question: Why do people seem to love dead Jews, but not living ones? The Holocaust continues to make headlines and fill our films and fiction. Yet ignorance and indifference towards Jew-hatred seems to be higher than ever. Join Dara as she discusses what exactly is going on here.

Ages: 18+ years

Led by Dara Horn


January 26, 2023, 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. MT
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event_title: International Holocaust Remembrance Day: People Love Dead Jews (VIRTUAL)

event_time_zone: America/Edmonton

event_start: January 26, 2023 18:00

event_duration: 90

event_end: January 26, 2023 19:30


event_description: In her latest book, Dara Horn explores a pointed question: Why do people seem to love dead Jews, but not living ones? The Holocaust continues to make headlines and fill our films and fiction. Yet ignorance and indifference towards Jew-hatred seems to be higher than ever. Join Dara as she discusses what exactly is going on here.Ages: 18+ yearsLed by Dara HornREGISTER