Climate Concert: Tu B’Shevat Celebration (Winnipeg)

Celebrate the Jewish New Year for Trees and the Rebirth of Nature. Please join us for this joyful musical event celebrating Tu B’Shevat, Israel and the environment. We will conclude the evening with refreshments. By rooting climate awareness and action in the Jewish calendar, we are giving it the place it deserves in the revitalization of Tu B’Shevat.

With: Cantor Leslie Emery, Rabbi Anibal Mass, Janet Goetze, David Vamos, Mal Magorel, The Ruach Choir, Dor Chadash Youth Choir & Friends!

Thursday, February 13, 2025
7:00 to 9:00 PM

In-Person Only Event, No Streaming
Shaarey Zedek Synagogue
561 Wellington Crescent

Register by Thursday, February 6 by scrolling down to fill in the form
Registration Recommended, Walk-ins Welcome

Adults: $10
Children Ages 12 and Under: $5

Register here

February 13, 2025, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CT
Add to calendar:

event_title: Climate Concert: Tu B’Shevat Celebration (Winnipeg)

event_time_zone: America/Winnipeg

event_start: February 13, 2025 19:00

event_duration: 120

event_end: February 13, 2025 21:00

event_address: 561 Wellington Cres, Winnipeg, MB R3M 0A6, Canada

event_description: Celebrate the Jewish New Year for Trees and the Rebirth of Nature. Please join us for this joyful musical event celebrating Tu B’Shevat, Israel and the environment. We will conclude the evening with refreshments. By rooting climate awareness and action in the Jewish calendar, we are giving it the place it deserves in the revitalization of Tu B’Shevat.With: Cantor Leslie Emery, Rabbi Anibal Mass, Janet Goetze, David Vamos, Mal Magorel, The Ruach Choir, Dor Chadash Youth Choir & Friends!Thursday, February 13, 20257:00 to 9:00 PMIn-Person Only Event, No StreamingShaarey Zedek Synagogue561 Wellington CrescentRegister by Thursday, February 6 by scrolling down to fill in the formRegistration Recommended, Walk-ins WelcomeAdults: $10Children Ages 12 and Under: $5Register here