

Festival of Lights

25 Kislev-2 Tevet (Nov. / Dec)

A festival commemorating the victory of the Maccabees over the Hellenist-Syrians, Chanukah begins in either November or December and lasts for eight days. Chanukah has several spellings (Hanukah, Hanukkah, Chanukkah) because there is no exact English transliteration for the Hebrew word. In 164 BCE, the Maccabees, a band of Hebrews, recaptured their temple from the Hellenist-Syrians. The Temple was cleansed and purified, and the menorah (candelabrum) was lit once again as a re-dedication to G-d. When the jar of sanctified oil for the menorah was found, there was only enough to burn for one day. Miraculously, the oil burned for eight days until more was found. To commemorate this miracle, a chanukiah, a special menorah for the Holy Day, is lit for eight days; foods fried in oil, such as potato latkes or pancakes, are eaten; and children play with spinning tops called dreidels.