What does CIJA believe?
CIJA Believes:
- Human rights are worth fighting for.
- The Jewish community contributes significantly to Canada’s continued success.
- Fighting antisemitism and bigotry in all its forms is critical to a healthy society.
- Antisemitism is destructive to Jews and non-Jews alike and, it must be addressed for the benefit of all Canadians.
- Canadian thought-leaders, and policymakers serve all Canadians when they factor the Canadian Jewish perspective into Canadian policies and laws.
- Jewish Canadians have an important role to play in Canadian society.
- Jewish Canadians have an important role to play in Canadian. Jewish. Advocacy.
- A strong Canada-Israel relationship benefits Canadians and Israelis alike.
- Jewish and pro-Israel students should have a welcoming and enriching educational experience on university and college campuses, free from harassment and discrimination.