University of Windsor Must Be Accountable to its Jewish Students

Profile picture for 60847
|July 18, 2024

University of Windsor Must Be Accountable to its Jewish Students

Profile picture for 60847
|July 18, 2024

While other universities across Canada are taking encampment protestors to court, the University of Windsor is caving to the radical anti-Israel mob.

We were shocked to hear the details of the agreements the UWindsor signed with the anti-Israel, pro-BDS, hateful encampment protestors who have occupied its campus grounds. These agreements reflect the most radical demands from encampment and pro-Hamas groups.

By agreeing to prevent academic collaborations with Israeli universities "until Palestinian self-determination is realized" they have not only contravened the fundamental principles of academic freedom but also placed the burden of Palestinian statehood solely on Israel – all while ignoring the Palestinian leadership's refusal to recognize Israel's right to exist, a factor over which Israeli universities have no control.

Academic institutions should be promoting the exchange of ideas and mutual understanding, not taking positions that exacerbate conflicts.

The University of Windsor’s failure also marks a reversal of their own October 23, 2023, commitment when they pledged to avoid "adopting institutional stances on intricate political or global issues that fall beyond its immediate purview of education, research, and scholarship."

By aligning with the hateful BDS strategy, which seeks to erase the Jewish connection to the land of Israel, a fundamental component of Jewish identity for the majority of Canadian Jews and Jews worldwide, the university has ignored its Jewish students and faculty.

Ceding to extremist demands only encourages militant activism.

The University of Windsor Board of Governors and the Government of Ontario must ensure the University of Windsor is held accountable and all Ontario campuses remain inclusive and safe for all.

Help us send a clear message to the University of Windsor and tell them they must immediately reverse these agreements and protect their Jewish students.

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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada.