CIJA works closely with our partners at the Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies (The Network) to advocate for non-profit social services. These non-profits provide assistance to both Jewish and...Read More
Pages tagged "Jewish Life"
As a community with a history of fleeing persecution, Jewish Canadians have played a significant role in supporting refugees. Through synagogues and agencies Jewish Canadians have sponsored many refugees.
In 2009, Canada and 45 other countries committed to the Terezin Declaration on Holocaust Era Assets. It calls for just and fair solutions regarding private communal and heirless property stolen from Jews during WWII.
From 2011 to 2016, the number of Canadians who reported that they are Jewish dropped by more than half. This was not due to a demographic change but to the removal of “Jewish” as a specific example in the question on ethnic origin and to the question on household religion being asked only in alternate censuses (or once in ten years).
The National Housing Strategy (NHS) includes important commitments to fund up to 2,400 new housing units for people with developmental disabilities. Programs within the NHS include funding for individuals with disabilities.
According to the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability by Statistics Canada, more than six million Canadians, or 22% of the population, identify as living with a disability.
Today, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister; the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, released Budget 2022: A Plan to Grow Our Economy and Make Life More Affordable.

April 08, 2022
Today, at a press conference at the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery, a coalition of advocacy organizations representing victims of recognized genocides, including Member of Parliament Ali Ehsassi, the ANCC, CIJA, and the UCC issueda warning.

April 05, 2022
On behalf of CIJA’s Board of Directors, professional staff, and the community we serve across Canada, we extend our deepest condolences to Henry and the entire Koschitzky family during this sad time.

March 22, 2022
CIJA stands with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and the people of Ukraine in opposing Vladimir Putin's military aggression and violation of Ukrainian sovereignty.

February 25, 2022