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The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) is the advocacy agent of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, representing Jewish Federations across Canada. By clicking "Sign up," you consent to receive periodic updates from CIJA. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes (CIJA) est l'agence de représentation de Fédérations juives du Canada - UIA, représentant les fédérations juives à travers le Canada. En cliquant sur
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2631 reactions
JPJane Park signed up 2023-11-24 07:50:39 -0500
JPJane Park signed up 2023-11-24 07:49:50 -0500
JPJane Park signed up 2023-11-24 07:45:05 -0500
RLRoslyn Levy signed up 2023-11-23 23:52:37 -0500
JCJean G. Catford signed up 2023-11-23 18:37:49 -0500
PNPatti Nashman signed up 2023-11-23 16:23:28 -0500
PNPatti Nashman signed up 2023-11-23 16:23:20 -0500
PNPatti Nashman signed up 2023-11-23 16:23:04 -0500
PNPatti Nashman signed up 2023-11-23 16:23:01 -0500
SMStuart McCarthy signed up 2023-11-23 15:36:53 -0500
CMChris Murray signed up 2023-11-23 12:58:04 -0500
Peg Byars signed up 2023-11-22 21:23:46 -0500
SESaul Engel signed up 2023-11-22 18:33:52 -0500
CMChris Murray signed up 2023-11-22 18:03:11 -0500
CMChris Murray signed up 2023-11-22 18:02:33 -0500
CFCheryl Frank signed up 2023-11-22 12:09:44 -0500
ISIvan Samuels signed up 2023-11-21 21:41:36 -0500
KKKunckles Knucklehead signed up 2023-11-21 21:24:38 -0500
HGHersh Golberg signed up 2023-11-21 18:29:40 -0500
KMKeith Morley signed up 2023-11-20 21:36:49 -0500
SKSofia Kushevsky signed up 2023-11-20 21:36:26 -0500
Ronald Smith signed up 2023-11-20 16:27:27 -0500
PCPatricia Cooper signed up 2023-11-20 15:53:33 -0500
ATAmir Tamari signed up 2023-11-20 14:20:51 -0500
HLHarry Levine signed up 2023-11-20 10:28:59 -0500
HLHarry Levine signed up 2023-11-20 10:28:41 -0500
BTBj Tan signed up 2023-11-20 05:57:49 -0500
RBRoslyn Belle signed up 2023-11-20 05:00:54 -0500
Adele Grosman signed up 2023-11-19 23:28:44 -0500
Adele Grosman signed up 2023-11-19 23:28:09 -0500